Emma Liptrot

Ph.D. Student

I am a PhD student in the Learning Sciences Program  in the Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology, McGill University. My research interests are in educational technology, with a specific focus on educational apps and games for children. I am interested in understanding what makes educational apps effective and exploring how they are integrated in elementary schools. Previously, I investigated how parents and educators select apps for educational use. Ultimately, I want to improve learning outcomes by promoting the use of high quality educational apps.
in Educational Psychology, Learning Sciences at McGill University, Canada
in Psychology at Queen’s University, Canada
B.Ed at Queen’s University, Canada


Why This App?

Understanding how parents and educators choose high-quality educational apps


Doctoral Fellowship

Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's 
McGill University
Graduate Excellence Fellowships


Balyta Family Scholarship in STEM Education
Certificate of Academic Excellence 


Why this app: Do App Store ratings, rankings, and educational features affect parents’ app selection?

A. Montazami, E. Liptrot, H.A. Pearson, A. K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 2024

Why this app? How user ratings and app store rankings impact educators' selection of educational apps

E. Liptrot, H.A. Pearson, A. Montazami, A.K. Dubé

Computers & Education, vol. 218, 2024, p. 105080

Why this app? Comparing parents' and educators' selection of high-quality educational apps

E. Liptrot, H. A. Pearson, A. Montazami, A. K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 2024

Why this app? How ratings and rankings impact educators’ selection of high-quality educational apps

E. Liptrot, H. A. Pearson, A. Montazami, A. K. Dubé

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 2024

A survey on the challenges, limitations, and opportunities of online testing of infants and young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: using our experiences to improve future practices

M. J. Shore, D. L. Bukovsky, S. G. S. G. Pinheiro, B. M. Hancock, E. M. Liptrot, V. A. Kuhlmeier

Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14, 2023


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