Special Issue Articles Cognitive load aspects of technology

Journal article

R.N. McEwen, A.K. Dubé, B. Park, A. Korbach, R. Brünken, M. Wong, J.C. Castro-Alonso, P. Ayres, F. Paas, R. Shadiev, W.-Y. Hwang, Y.-M. Huang, T.-Y. Liu, K. Ouwehand, T. van Gog, S. Tindall-Ford, S. Agostinho, S. Bokosmaty, P. Chandler, F. Amadieu, L. Salmerón, J. Cegarra, P.-V. Paubel, J. Lemarié, A. Chevalier, Y. Hsu, Y. Gao, T.-C. Liu, J. Sweller, T.-S. Cheng, Y.-C. Lu, C.-S. Yang, C.-H. Yen, I.-C. Chen, S.-C. Lai, Y.-R. Chuang, K. Huang, C.-H. Chen, W.-S. Wu, W.-Y. Chen, R. Schwonke, A. Renkl, I.T. Skuballa, N. Harr, J. Leber
Journal of Educational Technology &Society, vol. 18, 2015



APA   Click to copy
McEwen, R. N., Dubé, A. K., Park, B., Korbach, A., Brünken, R., Wong, M., … Leber, J. (2015). Special Issue Articles Cognitive load aspects of technology. Journal of Educational Technology &Amp;Society, 18.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
McEwen, R.N., A.K. Dubé, B. Park, A. Korbach, R. Brünken, M. Wong, J.C. Castro-Alonso, et al. “Special Issue Articles Cognitive Load Aspects of Technology.” Journal of Educational Technology &Society 18 (2015).

MLA   Click to copy
McEwen, R. N., et al. “Special Issue Articles Cognitive Load Aspects of Technology.” Journal of Educational Technology &Amp;Society, vol. 18, 2015.

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {Special Issue Articles Cognitive load aspects of technology},
  year = {2015},
  journal = {Journal of Educational Technology &Society},
  volume = {18},
  author = {McEwen, R.N. and Dubé, A.K. and Park, B. and Korbach, A. and Brünken, R. and Wong, M. and Castro-Alonso, J.C. and Ayres, P. and Paas, F. and Shadiev, R. and Hwang, W.-Y. and Huang, Y.-M. and Liu, T.-Y. and Ouwehand, K. and van Gog, T. and Tindall-Ford, S. and Agostinho, S. and Bokosmaty, S. and Chandler, P. and Amadieu, F. and Salmerón, L. and Cegarra, J. and Paubel, P.-V. and Lemarié, J. and Chevalier, A. and Hsu, Y. and Gao, Y. and Liu, T.-C. and Sweller, J. and Cheng, T.-S. and Lu, Y.-C. and Yang, C.-S. and Yen, C.-H. and Chen, I.-C. and Lai, S.-C. and Chuang, Y.-R. and Huang, K. and Chen, C.-H. and Wu, W.-S. and Chen, W.-Y. and Schwonke, R. and Renkl, A. and Skuballa, I.T. and Harr, N. and Leber, J.}


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